On the brighter side, I'm glad that at least I was able to reach the 34-inch waistline target in just a span of one week. Not much diet was actually involved to achieve, the culprit - stress from work and outside of work. How good is that?
Any lifestyle improvement happened to me this week? I'm trying to recall. Damn this backlog!!!hahaha Now I remember. This week, somehow I managed to start eating healthier food during lunch time at the cafeteria. From vegetable lasagna to tofu mania to banana after a meal, I say that's a good start for me. After all, that's the best thing I could do to make up for all the fried stuff that we've been eating at the condo with my housemates.
On a different note, this week's highlight would have to be the our charity event at Ward 9, Philippine General Hospital. Big thanks to our teammate's fiancee (let's keep her name anonymous), for making this possible. It wouldn't have been a success if it were not also for the generosity of the people from the office. From Ralph's 5,500 pot money, it bloated to whopping 20,000++. Indeed, there is power in number and indeed, "No one is too poor that he/she cannot give nor No one is too rich that he/she cannot receive."
More than the loot bags and the medical equipment that we gave the children in Ward 9, the priceless moments spent with those kids made the whole experience more enriching.
Since I'm trying to make this my posts a bit shorter this time, I'll just end it here. To wit, this was our first but definitely not our last charity event!!!:)